Tanja Kalapac | Psychologist Near Kempton Park
Tanja Kalapac: Your Trusted Psychologist Near Kempton Park
Tanja Kalapac: Your Trusted Psychologist Near Kempton Park
Your Resource for Empathetic Psychological Care
Your Resource for Empathetic Psychological Care
Therapist Profile
Meet Tanja Kalapac, a distinguished psychologist near Kempton Park
Qualifications: The Foundation of Trust
Meet Tanja Kalapac, a distinguished psychologist near Kempton Park with over 25 years of experience in psychological therapy and addiction help. Tanja offers a holistic, personalized approach to therapy, helping individuals navigate their most challenging periods.
Specializations: A Blend of Expertise and Compassion
Tanja Kalapac holds a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Pretoria, completed in 1995. She is a registered clinical psychologist, which underscores her extensive training and commitment to professional development.
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Special Focus: Addressing Modern Psychological Needs
Tanja has dedicated her practice to addressing a broad spectrum of psychological issues with a special focus on:
Addiction and Recovery:
Providing effective strategies and support for overcoming substance dependencies.
Anxiety and Depression Management:
Utilizing evidence-based practices to help clients manage and alleviate symptoms.
Relationship and Family Therapy:
Offering guidance and counseling to improve personal relationships and family dynamics.
Years of Experience: Two Decades of Professional Excellence
Since starting her private practice in 1997, Tanja Kalapac has amassed more than 25 years of experience in clinical psychology. Her long-standing practice has helped countless individuals achieve significant personal growth and better mental health.
Professional Affiliations: A Commitment to Collaboration
Tanja is actively involved with several professional associations, including the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA) and the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). These affiliations demonstrate her commitment to maintaining high standards of care and staying updated on the latest advancements in psychological practices.
Your Therapy, Your Schedule
Tanja’s office hours are Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00 (UTC+2). She offers both in-person consultations in her Kempton Park office and online sessions to accommodate clients with varying needs and schedules.
Start Your Journey Towards Healing
If you’re looking for a psychologist near Kempton Park who can provide compassionate, individualized care and expert guidance in your path to recovery, Tanja Kalapac is here to help. Contact her today to schedule your first session.
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Contact one of our helpers for ethical referals to a facility or health care professional that suits your unique circumstances.
Reaching Out for Personal Growth and Recovery
For anyone seeking a personalized approach to psychological wellness and recovery, Tanja Kalapac is your trusted psychologist near Kempton Park. Contact us by clicking the WhatsApp button or the call button